Just because you’re not chasing the dream anymore doesn’t mean you can’t train to perform your best.

Hockey’s more fun when you’re in shape – when you can out skate players, play strong on the puck, have gas in the tank all shift long, and feel great the next day.

But getting in hockey shape doesn’t mean you have to train like an NHLer. Now there’s a training system that gives you the exact game plan to feel better, move better, and perform better on the ice.


¦    “I feel like I’m a fat 70 years old man out here playing with some OHL kids, I’m absolutely brutal.”

He was bent over between shifts looking down the bench as if he had just finished a marathon.

   “I know you guys didn’t get faster, but it feels like I’m driving a honda civic in a F1 race – I literally can’t do s**t out there.”
The rest of the boys laughed. The league was good this year and had gotten faster, but the reality had sunk in for John that he had lost his game.

The truth is, he had always been a good player. Played some Junior in high school, skated with his college and pro buddies in the summer, and always was a quality men’s league player.

But “adult life” had caught up with him. His job was busy, he dropped from skating 2-3 a week to 1, and when his first kid came, he decided to give up hockey for the year.

That’s when he reached out to us – getting Kyle’s number from his pro buddy and gave him a call.

“I know you work with elite guys, but is there any chance you could throw something together for me? I’ve actually been hitting the gym a couple times a week – but I just feel like it’s done nothing for me. I haven’t gotten TOO fat, but honestly it feels like I’m my dad out there with a bunch of young 20-something ringers. Not to mention my body completely feels like crap. This isn’t fun anymore, I either gotta give it up or fix my body.”
The truth was, we had never worked with a “beer league beauty” before, but the fact a guy had lost his passion for the game and hockey wasn’t fun anymore really hit home.

So, we created a program that would fit his lifestyle.

Just 3 focused workouts per week. Ditching the “bodybuilding” style workouts. Not hitting any personal records, 400lbs deadlifts, or crushing conditioning sessions. Instead focusing integrated full body movements that translate to the ice. Getting in efficient and effective conditioning work. And developing a healthier, more balanced, and mobile body.

We gave him the program and then didn’t hear from him for 6 weeks.

Finally Kyle got a text at midnight one night that read:

“Bud, not gonna lie these workouts are really starting to show. I just finished a game with 3g, and 2 assists. My best men’s league game in probably 10 years. I know I went MIA but I’ve been doing every workout, each week I’ve been feeling better. I’ve dropped probably 10lbs (which the wife likes) but honestly it’s nothing compared to how I feel on the ice AND how my body feels off the ice.”
We were amped. We had condensed the training system we use with pros into something that could be used by a player just looking to feel, move, and play better.

The next week, Kyle got another text:

“Koko can a couple of the boys wanna buy this program too? We’re all gonna follow it for the next month, they’re noticing the gas and wanna get on it!”
And so, the Weekend Warrior program was created.

It started with 5 of John’s teammates. The next season he had 12 guys asking from around the league, which became 32 by the end of the season. And we continued to refine the program to make it the most efficient and effective program possible for beer league players.

After 2 seasons of refining the program to be as effective & efficient as possible, and now dozens of beer league players raving about their workouts – we decided to launch it to the public.

The only negative comment we received was “who trains for beer league, it’s supposed to be for fun.”

John replied for us – “trust me, hockey is way more fun when you’re in hockey shape and can dominate”.

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You want that explosive stride that lets you burn defenders. You want strength and core stability to not get knocked off loose pucks. You want the conditioning levels that let you play more shifts and harder.

You might not be a pro, but you still have hockey ambitions. ​A lot of beer leaguers continue to get in workouts in the gym, but with old school workouts that don’t leave them looking, feeling, and performing better.

The Weekend Warrior Program was built for hockey players who want to start making their workouts count and enhance the strength, power, and conditioning that translates to the ice.


Start making your workouts count. Start training exact attributes that translate to the ice.
At Relentless, we build off-ice workouts for on-ice performance. Delivering the exact Strength & Conditioning hockey players need to start moving, performing, and playing better where it counts. We deliver the training that translates.


Create a mobile body with exercises that address structural imbalances & restrictions so that you feel & move better.


Develop truly elite strength, with an intense focus on creating the functional strength that translates on the ice.


Unlock the power that translates to explosive first steps, breakaway strides, to become more dynamic on ice.


Enhance the athleticism to thrive on-ice. With plyo, agility, and footwork drills we develop next-level speed.


The exact workout structure that elite hockey players are using to build their body.

No more fluff, randomness, or bodybuilding style workouts. This is training 2.0 – with full-body and integrative workouts designed to challenge every facet of your body with each workout including:

Build a bulletproof body.

Each Relentless workout starts with a series of mobility and activation exercises specifically designed to injury-proof the body while addressing the common imbalances and mobility restriction in hockey players’ bodies.

Speed is the variable of success for hockey players.
‍That’s why each workout has a specific work designed to improve your on-ice speed.

Depending on the day, this is either plyo-based and power-focused exercises designed to generate more power in your stride and develop you into a more explosive skater OR speed focused work designed to develop your foot speed, change of direction, and refine your athleticism.

Hockey demands strength and power.
‍We don’t just lift weights. We develop the functional strength and power that Hockey Players need to thrive in today’s game.

We’ve eliminated old-school exercises and “weight room strength” and instead focus on developing the kinetic chains that allow athletes to translate their strength and power more effectively where it counts.

The three areas that hockey players can never get enough of.

Each Relentless workout finishes with extra mobility and either extra core or conditioning.

Extra core consists of exercises that build total core strength allowing hockey players to shoot harder, play stronger, and never get pushed off the push again.

Conditioning isn’t just about getting bagged. We focus on developing the specific energy systems that translate to a hockey shift, period, and game. Earn more ice time by being in elite conditioning.

Relentless Mobility isn’t just about stretching. It’s about intentionally improving range of motion and eliminating movement restrictions and chronic tension from areas that hockey players struggle with so that they can feel, move, and perform better.


3 strategically designed phase to get you dialled in for progressive & consistent growth.

Maximizing your training demands strategic structure. The 12 Week Weekend Warrior Program is strategically designed with three distinct phases and weekly progressive workouts built to be continuously pushing you towards your training goals.



Rebuild a body wired for higher output. Address imbalances. Rewire movement patterns. Develop foundational strength. Move, feel, and perform better than ever before.



Develop the elite strength & power that translates. Build on foundational strength by developing the explosive power and strength that translates to the ice.



From the gym to the ice. Add a layer of even further specificity & develop the strength, power, and conditioning that translates to truly next level performance on the ice.


The Weekend Warrior Program was created by Coach Kyle, Strength Coach & founder of Relentless Hockey.

Kyle has become one of the go-to authorities on hockey training and performance optimization for hockey players.

Kyle combined his education, playing experience, experience as a skills coach, and thousands of hours working with hockey players in the gym to refine relentless programs to be the ultimate training for on-ice performance. Since starting Relentless Hockey, Kyle and the team have worked with players in nearly every professional hockey league in the world from the NHL and KHL to across Europe – along with thousands of players from across the world.


If you’re serious about taking your game to the next level, it’s time to get dialed in with your training. The Relentless Weekend Warrior Program is the complete training system that delivers everything you need to eliminate guesswork from your training and get the exact game plan to develop elite speed.



Becoming an elite hockey player goes beyond just workouts, it’s becoming relentless with getting better. That’s why we’ve created all the resources you need to truly take your training, lifestyle, and performance to the next level.


$39.99 Value


$44.99 Value


$39.99 Value


$39.99 Value


$59.99 Value


​Go beyond just a workout plan. Get the complete training system for men’s league hockey players to look better, move better, feel better, and performance better.


Along with this, Coach Kyle and the Relentless team offers on-going support for players to make sure that you’re maximizing your training and getting the most out of training relentless.

So make the commitment to start playing better hockey today.



One time payment (USD) with instant & lifetime access!


trusted by over 150 pros & 2500 players world wide


faster & more dominant hockey starts here.

Regardless of what level you’re at, you have the ambition to play better hockey.

To not lose gas at the end of a long shift. To feel and recover better after games. You have hockey goals, and it’s time to start training for them.

The Weekend Warrior Program was built for Hockey Players to enhance their athleticism and mobility, develop functional strength and power, and enhance the conditioning levels that translate to the ice.It’s time to invest in playing hockey.

It’s time to train relentless.





You’ll have instant access to:
– Your 12 week program (36 workouts) with both a digital version and printable tracking version.
+ The Elite Speed for Hockey guide with 20+ speed workouts.
+ The Relentless Anywhere guide with 20+ at home workouts.
+ The Complete Conditioning for Hockey Players guide with 25+ conditioning workouts.
+ The Relentless Mobility & Maintenance Manual with foam rolling, mobility, and active recovery protocols.
+ The Peak Performance Nutrition for Hockey guide with 50+ pages of nutritional guidelines including hydration, game day, body composition (losing/gaining weight), and supplements.

You’ll also get access to the support of our team and Coach Kyle along with any new upgrades or additions to the programs. We’re constantly looking to create new resources to help our players thrive, and once you’re in the Relentless community we truly want to fuel your success.

lentless workout starts with a series of mobility and activation exercises specifically designed to injury-proof the body while addressing the common imbalances and mobility restriction in hockey players’ bodies.

Many players can train on their own, but the truth is that random training creates random results. Success demands structure.

Relentless Hockey was built to take the guesswork out of hockey player’s training and give them the exact structure that’s been refined by thousands of players to be proven to translate to the ice.

Working with a Strength Coach that understands the specific needs of hockey players can cost upwards of $120 dollars per session or joining a 12 week group training program can easily cost over $3000.

With Relentless Hockey, you have access to the exact workouts that pros are paying thousands of dollars for.

Admittedly, a lot of these exercises will be new for a lot of athletes.

This isn’t just a classic bodybuilding style workout where you’ll see 3 sets of squats and lunges. Relentless programs are loaded with integrative exercises that challenge you with unconventional movements.

You’ll have a Youtube Playlist with demonstrations of each exercise in that days workout so that you’ll always know exactly what to do.

This program was designed to be performed with a super basic gym setup. We don’t believe in big fancy gym setups or the latest equipment. This program includes: dumbbells, cables/bands, barbells, kettlebells, and mini-bands. For any exercise that may require a specialized piece of equipment (trapbar/landmine/etc.) we’ve included alternative exercises guide, but 95% of gyms will have exactly what you need.


Immediately after purchase you’ll have access to our members-only platform that contains all of your training programs and bonus resources. You’ll have lifetime access to this platform and will be able to come back any time to download your programs or get updated versions/new resources.

We stand by our programs 100%. That’s why we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Having seen thousands of players train with Relentless, we know hockey players who truly invest in this program and their training get results. But if you start this program and it’s not for you, just contact our team within 30 days and we’ll send you a full refund.



4.9/5 out of 1000+ reviews

Mike McNab
Mike McNab
Halifax, NS Current Level: Mens League Program: Weekend Warrior
Read More
I’m back mf’er!!! I took 2 years off with covid and everything going on and my first skate I felt like I was 85 out there. With all the new young guys in the league it was either get my a** in shape or move down a division. Thankfully found you guys at the right time. These workouts have been deadly and I’m back feelin even better than I was!!
Mike S.
Mike S.
Calgary, Alberta Current Level: Mens League Program: Weekend Warrior
Read More
15 years since I played college hockey and my first 2 weeks I felt like absolute s**t. My wife said I should see if there’s a hockey workout program that I could find and that’s when I found you guys.. I gotta say I legitimately wish I had you guys when I was still playing. These workouts are killer, I genuinely got my legs back, and feel like a hockey player again.
Dr Mike C
Dr Mike C
Daleware Current Level: Beer League Program: Weekend Warrior
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Hey Kyle, I just wanted to say how impressed I am with this program! I’m a Chiropractor and just wanted a change to my workouts and something that would help with hockey.. But the mobility and “prehab” work here is impressive! My body genunely feels better than it has after hockey in years. I’ve stolen a lot of the exercises for my clients.
Steven Hemstock
Steven Hemstock
Ottawa, ON Current Level: Beer League Program: Weekend Warrior
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I know you guys work with a lot of pros.. But as a D league player who didn’t start playing hockey until 32 I gotta say you’ve had a huge impact on how much I’ve been enjoying hockey this year. It feels like I’m finally getting the stride that better players have and playing stronger with the puck. From your favourite D-league player.. I just gotta say